The community in which we live has a great influence on our lives. Whether that’s relaxing during the summer at the community pool. Or, on the other hand, getting frustrated that our neighbor’s perennials don’t mesh well in the spring. Comfortable, stable communities significantly improve the quality of our lives. Strong communities often have accessible parks and recreation facilities, quality education programs, safe housing, and all of the everyday comforts we so often take for granted. But what does it take to create a strong community? Below we will discuss five key points for creating a strong community.

Related: Short Term Rentals in Your HOA Community

1. Trustworthy Leadership

Leadership is key in setting a collaborative tone to build trust between board members and community members. Trust is built by listening, engaging in meaningful conversations, developing mutual respect, and careful examination of competing agendas.

2. Clear Communication

A strong community cannot exist without clear communication. To keep communication flowing, it’s important to be mindful of the following:

-Listen carefully to the concerns of others.

-Express your position in a measured and unemotional manner when it comes to sensitive subjects.

-Consider suggestions and follow through with plans.

Regular communication is paramount to your success, as miscommunication causes inefficient meetings, alienation of homeowners, and discontent within the community. When communication breaks down, it is hard to repair relationships.

3. Connection

One of our most basic human needs is to connect with other people. To build relationships within your community, consider hosting interesting and fun events for members of all ages.

Some examples may include:

-Organizing a community Game Night, Movie Night, or Sports Night.

-Recruit members as committee volunteers to take ownership in special events like National Night Out.

-Have committees host regular seasonal events such as Dine-In Movies, holiday dinners, or Spring beautification projects.

Consider all of the valuable resources your HOA has to offer, whether it be a clubhouse, pool, park, or golf course. Utilize your resources! If your community does not have amenities, consider using local recreation centers, schools, churches, or parks for hosting events other than board meetings.

4. Meetings and Necessities

Regular board meetings and annual meetings are not only a requirement, they’re also a great way for the entire community to gather together to share ideas, voice concerns, and make recommendations.

Meetings are also opportunities for board members to solve problems, take action, address issues on a regular basis, and operate in a transparent manner to build trust among community members.

5. Avoid Apathy

As a member of your community, it’s generally up to you to discover the best opportunities to motivate others and avoid indifference among homeowners. To keep members involved, engage them! Utilize tools such as an HOA website, social media, and opportunities for community events to keep members interested.

Now it’s time for some careful reflection. How strong is your community? You have the ability to make a difference! Strong communities don’t just develop overnight – they take time, concentrated effort, positivity, and planning; that’s why we’re here to help! If your community could use some help, or if you would like assistance implementing any of the tips above, please contact Spectrum!